Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 6/15/11

Amended and Approved 7/6/11

Sharon Community Center

Filmed by SCTV


Planning Board Attendees

Susan Price, Chair

Anne Bingham 

Eli Hauser, Vice Chair - absent

Pat Pannone, Clerk

David Milowe 

Peter OÕCain, Town Engineer



Stephen Fenerjian 15 Westridge Drive

Alice Cheyer




Chair Report

Clerk Pat Pannone called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM as Chair Price had not yet arrived.


Meeting Minutes

Mr. Milowe moved to approve the meeting minutes of June 1, 2011 and Mr. Pannone seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.



Stephen Fenerjian of Mangia came before the Board regarding adding a new window to his property, wall sign on the building as well as a sign on the street. Mr. OÕCain said he had not looked at the position in which the sign on the street would be placed and wanted to ensure that the line of sight was not impaired. A brief discussion ensued.


Ms. Bingham moved to approve the application for replacement window and wall sign at Mangia Restaurant on South Main Street subject to the owner checking if the Historical Commission must approve any external modification to the building. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Ms. Bingham moved to approve the freestanding sign presented at the 6/15 meeting subject to Peter OÕCain, Town Engineer making sure there are no line of sight issues regarding the freestanding sign. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.  


Scenic Roads Bylaw

Ms. Bingham agreed to work with Ms. Cheyer regarding reviewing and updating the Scenic Road Bylaw. Ms. Cheyer suggested a penalty should be included; she did not want to change the regulation and envisioned this as a Town Meeting article. A discussion ensued.  Mr. OÕCain indicated that he did not believe the bylaw was ever violated. Ms. Bingham said that she thinks it needs a penalty provision. She thinks that what exists is more of a narrative standard. Mr. OÕCain suggested speaking with Kevin Weber Tree Warden, because the Tree Warden Association is writing State Legislation. Ms. Price said the violation piece needs to be better defined, as to what constitutes a violation, for example, does each day constitute a violation.


Lake Management Study Committee

Ms. Price read the May 26th email from Michael Goldstein that she discussed at the June 1st meeting, regarding his interest in continuing as Planning Board representative to the Lake Management Study Committee:


To the Town of Sharon Planning Board.


My name is Michael Goldstein; I have resided at 60 Oak Hill Dr for the last 18 years.

For the past 4 years I have been one of the two planning board appointees to the

Lake Management Study Committee. It has been an honor to serve and would like

to continue doing so. I have been an avid boater all my life, and for the last 10 years have been

a member of Sharon's Massapoag Yacht Club. Although I have been a conduit between the club and the Lake committee, I in no way formally represent the club on the committee, nor do I advocate for their concerns .In addition to sailing, I also operate a powerboat on the lake and swim as well. I strongly believe the lake is a treasured natural resource to be protected as well as enjoyed by all.


Also discussed was the June 7th email from Chair Cliff Towner which describes the Committee and supports Mr. Goldstein remaining as a member:

The Lake Committee is a standing town committee that was created by a Town Meeting vote in 1969.It has six appointed members, two by Conservation Commission, two by the Selectmen and two by the Planning Board. The committee budget is in the Finance CommitteeÕs sector and since I have been on the Committee over $300,000.00 has been expended on Lake improvements and issues. From May until October, the Lake is managed on a day to day basis according to many existing conditions and the Committee meets when required by those conditions. A little known fact is the Lake and water rights are owned by the Town of Sharon, one of the few privately owned Lakes in the state, this is what gives the Town the legal right to manage water flows. Five years ago, the Lake was considered one of the cleanest in the State, by both the D.E.P. and the D.F. & G., but each year we lose quality. As the Planning Board knows as part of your responsibilities, Sharon has a water deficit each year from the area where most of our drinking and Lake water comes from. It is no longer possible to maintain quality water and safe Lake levels all summer with above average rainfall, last year 60Ó average 45Ó. I plan to attend your June 15th meeting in support of Mike Goldstein.

Mr. Goldstein told the Board that he has been on the Committee for four years and they generally meet in the summer. There is a small budget for studies and if more funds are needed they go to the Selectmen. He said the Committee is mandated to keep the flow for the stream to a minimum and to keep the lake clear. They monitor the septic issues that feed into the lake.

Ms. Bingham asked if the Committee coordinates with the Board of Health and Mr. Goldstein said that Greg Meister does the coordination.

Mr. Milowe asked if the Committee has a mandate outside of flow maintenance and Mr. Goldstein said there is no restriction to increase the flow. The health of the lake is good now and fish are spawning.

Ms. Price said that two members need to be appointed and that Ms. Levitts should post the position on SCTV. Mr. Goldstein said he would be happy to continue as a member of the Committee.

Mr. Milowe moved to appoint Michael Goldstein to the Lake Management Committee as appointee of the Planning Board. Ms. Bingham seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor of the appointment.

Next Meeting Dates

July 6th - David Milowe may be absent

July 27th

August 10th

August 31st



Ms. Price discussed that at the last meeting she suggested sending a letter from the Planning Board in support of CLURPA. Ms. Bingham had expressed reservations but the Board never voted. Ms. Price sent a letter to the CLURPA as representative to the MAPC. Ms. Bingham said she does not feel prepared to sign a letter and has doubts about 40RÕs and 40BÕs and said we are in no position to have a master plan. A brief discussion ensued amongst the Board members.  Ms. Price said she thinks it is a step in the right direction and the MAPC is supportive. Ms. Bingham said she will not support the letter to create another move for as of right permitting. Ms. Price said she thinks they are trying to improve things that are not working.


Mr. Milowe moved to allow the Planning Board to send a letter of support to CLURPA. Mr. Pannone seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-1-0 in favor (Ms. Bingham voted no).


Other Business

1. Ms. Price discussed the paving of Mountain Street. Mr. OÕCain said he will obtain information on the location of the speed bumps to be installed and that the Selectmen are in charge of the roadways. Mr. Pannone asked what the concern is regarding paving Mountain Street and Mr. OÕCain replied that some residents are opposed to this.


2. Mr. Milowe moved to nominate Pat Pannone as representative to the Selection Committee for the Standing Building Committee. The Board voted 3-0-1 in favor (Mr. Pannone abstained). Ms. Price was the previous representative.

3. Ms. Price mentioned that Jen Chin at MAPC has a short term project for collecting data concerning Sharon as part of the South Coast Rail Corridor Plan. A list will be provided to Peter OÕCain for certification of the information.


Bella Estates

Mr. OÕCain described that the Planning Board decision document requires abutter mitigation measures to have been installed prior to issuance of the ÒCOAÓ or Certificate of Occupancy for the abutting lot within Bella Estates. He said that a ÒCOAÓ is being requested for Lot 8 but that the Hollister family who is an abutter was dissatisfied with the trees that Mr. Intoccia installed. Town Counsel advised Mr. OÕCain that he could not withhold the ÒCOAÓ because the Hollister family had signed off on the work. Counsel said the spirit of the decision was met. 


Mr. OÕCain also discussed the toe drains and finger drains on the slope that was to be installed. He said the Building Inspector is also denying the Certificate of Occupancy based on the uninstalled drainage.  The deadline for the finger drain installation was 2/18/11. The Conservation agent had extended the deadline due to weather to May/June timeframe.  Mr. OÕCain said the work has not been started. Mr. OÕCain said he sent a letter to Town Counsel and awaits her decision.


Mr. OÕCain reviewed the 3/11 work list status with the Board.



Mr. Milowe moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 PM.  Ms. Bingham seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor of adjournment.



1. Pictures proposed free standing Mangia sign and new windows.

2. June 7th email from Cliff Towner, Chair of the Water Management Committee.

3. May 26th letter from Michael Goldstein, requesting reappointment to the Lake   Management Committee.

4. Excerpt from the Scenic Road Bylaw.

5. Peter OÕCain 6/15 email re: Lot 8 Bella Estates and the Hollister plantings and the response form Cynthia L. Amara.

6. Bella Estates 12/15/10 and 3/11 work lists.